Running dedicated servers

Running a dedicated Turbo Sliders Unlimited server

TSU Dedicated server is currently available for both Windows and Linux.

This document tells how to install and run one.


The easiest way to install a dedicated server is to use an installation

packet that has scripts for downloading and running a server.

Installation packets can be downloaded from here:


Windows version should work as it is, but unfortunately, the Linux

version still requires some manual steps. See the Manual Install

section below for more information, but in short, you need to install

SteamCMD and make sure you have all required libraries installed

on your system (SDL2 is the one often missing by default). The script

must find under sub-directory steamcmd.

There is also an unofficial Linux based Docker container made by

Miikka Vainio:


Before running the scripts, you can also check the Settings script and

possibly change some settings to for example give yourself admin rights

on the server.

If you run just the Install script, it will use SteamCMD to install or

update the server. The Run script also installs or updates server but

then launches it with the default setup, checking its exit value,

updating and/or relaunching the server if requested.

Note that for a server to be reachable by players, it must be visible

from the outside world. You may need to change your firewall settings

to allow that. Even if you use the server in relay mode, query port

must be reachable for matchmaking to work. There are several service

providers that offer both Windows and Linux servers you can use and

which are visible to outside world by default. For example, check

There are many ways to change server settings: you can use command-line

parameters, define setup scripts, run console commands or modify config

files. More about that later.


If you want to install server manually (which is still partially required

for a Linux version), read on. This also helps you understand what the

automatic install scripts do.

First, you need to get SteamCMD. Information about how to do that on

different platforms here (included in the Windows simple installation packet):


When you run SteamCMD, you can install or upgrade TSU dedicated server

with the following commands:

force_install_dir ../server/

login anonymous

app_update 1815810 validate

That will set the server directory to '../server' but feel free to change that.

Then, it logins anonymously and installs or updates TSU dedicated server

to the install directory. It is also possible to run the commands

with a one-liner without launching SteamCMD prompt.

steamcmd +force_install_dir ../server +login anonymous +app_update 1815810 validate +quit


The server is started by launching TSUs.exe on Windows or TSUs.x86_64

on Linux. As always with Linux, you may have to install some extra

libraries (especially SDL2) or move Steam .so files around for all the

required libraries to be found. Especially, if is not

found, it may mean you have to add a dynamic link from the correct 64-bit

version of to the installation directory (or just copy it).

But what is needed and how that is done may depend on the Linux distro.

By default, the server is run in server mode (anonymous Steam login)

using direct IP address. It is also possible to use relay connections

(command line parameter -relay) but the server should still be

reachable by IP, too, for the server list to work. It is also possible

to run a server in client mode (-client) which means there must be a

Steam user logged on to Steam. Most probably you don't want that as

it makes setup harder.

It is possible to run several instances of the server on one machine

(when not in client mode) but they should not share the same directory

or ports. The easiest way to do this is just to copy the installation

directory. But note that if there are more than one server instances

on one machine, a least one of them must change the default port to

something else, e.g. with command line parameter -port 7757. Note that

each server takes two ports, one for game and one for queries (port+1

by default).


-help This help text

-name <name> Sets the server name (max 16 characters,

not used if in client mode)

-setup <setup> Changes the default setup script, running the script

'Scripts/setup.<setup>.src' at every session init

-info <info> Sets the server info text (name + info combined max

length 63 bytes in UTF-8)

-relay Uses relay host instead of a direct IP address

(SteamId based connection)

-client Runs the server in Steam client mode instead of an

anonymous login as server - must be logged on to

Steam then

-port <port> Sets the game port, 7755 by default

-queryPort <port> Sets the server query port

(if not set, using game port + 1)

-ip <ip> Overrides the default IP address with an

alternative address

-public Sets the server discoverability to public

(can be found in server list)

-hidden Sets the server discoverability to hidden

(not found in server list)

-cmd <command> Runs the given console command when hosting starts

(can be used multiple times to run several commands)

-admin <steamId> Adds the player with the given SteamID as an admin,

effectively the same as -cmd "/admins /add <steamId>"


Dedicated server has been set up by default so that it keeps running

sessions of random 10 tracks until shut down. If you login with a player

that has admin rights, you have full access to change the settings as if

you were a local host, and also stop or resume the timer.

When the server is at session init state, you can upload your local

levels and vehicles to the server by using the Upload button in the level

and vehicle selectors. You can also change levels, vehicles and event

settings using the settings windows. You can also load settings and level

lists you have previously saved in their respective windows.

In addition to this, there are lots of more complex ways to control

the server, explained in the following chapters.


By default, TSUs uses the directory 'config' as the root data directory

that is used for settings and content. If that directory is removed or

renamed, TSUs will use system default data folder, on Windows e.g.:

C:/users/<user>/AppData/LocalLow/Turbo Sliders/Unlimited/<steamID>/

Note that updating the server from Steam might redownload the config

directory even if you have removed or renamed it. If you have modified

files that are part of the installation package, they might also get

overwritten by the update so it is recommended to not edit existing

files but to instead create new ones.

The config directory is initially almost empty but once you have run

the game once, the settings will be saved as json files. You can also

edit those files while the server is off so that the new values are

taken into use when you restart it. You can also create Levels and

Vehicles directories to add more levels and vehicles. Dedicated server

updates its levels and vehicles automatically at session init by

default, but it is also possible to use the command /refreshfiles to

do that manually.

Settings can be changed while running the game with console commands

made by admins. Changed settings are saved when server quits or

restarts the session (unless initialization scripts override them).


Remote admins can be added with command line option -admin or with console

command /admins /add <username or steam ID>. Alternatively, as any other

settings, they can be directly added to game.json under host/remoteAdmins

before the server is started. Admins are authenticated by their SteamIds.

See /help to find out what kind of commands there are for admins and others.

All settings that are available in the session and event init GUI are

scriptable by commands, too.


In addition to manually adding levels and vehicles to their respective

folders, it is also possible to upload or create level and vehicle packs

using the game client. This makes level updating much easier, since

otherwise, it may be hard to find the levels you have subscribed since

they are buried under Steam Workshop folders with varying names.

If you are logged on as admin, you can use the Upload button in the level

and vehicle selectors when a dedicated server is at the session init state.

When that is done and uploading finishes, server updates its levels or

vehicles to match the non-hidden items you have locally, including their

tags (Liked/Keeper) which may affect the random selection probability.

Note that this also removes the items the client does not have.

Another more complex way to import levels is to use the Export button

in the Play Menu's Level Selector, below the selectable levels list.

With that, you can create a zipped file containing all the levels you

have currently visible with your current filters, and also their level

tags (most importantly, Liked and Hidden). That creates an export file

with the extension "". If that file is copied to the

server config directory, the server's Levels and LevelLists folders

will be replaced by the ones found inside the zip next time files are

refreshed (either automatically at session init or manually by


Likewise, you can do a similar export in Vehicle Selector and copy the

exported vehicle and vehicle list pack to config directory to replace

the existing vehicles.

Note that all levels or vehicles currently visible in the selectable list

will be added to the export packet. If there are ones you don't want to

end up in the server, hide them or use some other tags or filters to

make them disappear from the list.


Files under Scripts directory that are of the format setup.*.src are

considered setup scripts. One default setup is included (setup.default.src)

and when a dedicated server is run, it is used for initial setup. It picks

10 random levels and starts an automatically advancing session (timer on),

also enabling voting.

If you want to use some other setup, you can copy the file with some other

name, e.g. setup.mysetup.src and change the settings to your liking. Now,

if you want to use that setup instead of the default setup, you can either

use command-line parameter -setup or change the setup while the server

is running by using command "/setup mysetup".

If there are more than 1 setups in the Scripts directory, you can also enable

setup voting with the command: /setupVotingOn = true


Usually, autoserver should be used with timer.timerOn set to true

(console command "/timerOn = true" or by enabling the timer with the

GUI) so that the server will automatically advance to new states. If

not, an admin must manually advance the server with GUI controls or

using /continue command. The default setup enables timer automatically

but you can also make setups that don't do that if you want to.

If timer.restartSession is true (as it is by default), server will

automatically start a new session after a session ends. Otherwise, the

server will close down after one session. Server can be quit by a

remote admin with the command /quit. You can also specify return

value for quit with /quit /restart or /quit /upgrade so that if the

server was started with a launch script checking the return value, it

can automatically restart or upgrade the server.

Server can naturally be killed with Task Manager or Linux kill command, too,

but that should be avoided as clients do not notice this until after a timeout.

A client based server might also remain in the host list if a clean exit is

not done.

There is also Quit script in the installation packet. It closes the server by

using an autorun command.


Server periodically checks if there is file autorun.src either in

the executable folder or Scripts folder. If there is, the server will

perform the commands in that file as an admin and delete the file (commands

will not get run before server can delete the file). Files are also deleted

at startup so that old outdated commands are not run.


When an admin runs command /src script, file Scripts/script.src is searched

and if found, the commands in that file are run as an admin.

If variable commands.automaticScripts is set to true, certain src files

are automatically run at different stages of the session flow:

- sessioninit.src when session starts

- eventinit.src when event init starts

- eventend.src when an event ends

- sessionend.src when session ends

When an admin runs command /cmd command, file Scripts/command is searched

and if found, it is run as an external executable. This could be a binary

executable or a batch file. For security reasons, no other paths (either

via C:\, .. or subfolders) are allowed and the file must be under Scripts.

If commands.generateStatsFiles is set to true, the game automatically

generates session and event stats as json files at event end. By

enabling automaticScripts and generateStatsFiles it is thus possible

to put /cmd processStats.bat to eventend.src and make a batch file

processStats.bat that reads the results of the event, then possibly

writes to a src file that is run by eventend.src after the /cmd


Note that /cmd file blocks the server until the command has been completed

or until a timeout time has elapsed (10 seconds by default) so whatever it

does should not take much time. Especially, it should not be used when

an event is running since blocking severely affects gameplay. If something

more time consuming needs to be done, the batch file should spawn another

process to handle that.


If the server crashes or there are other issues, there are many ways to

try to find the reason. First of all, check the standard output for

indications on errors and callstacks. Then, you can check the game's own

log under config/Logs. Unity may also put information on crashes to

Player.log on user data folder. Steam may also creates log files for various



When a server process exits cleanly, it will write its exit reason to

exitReason.rsn, also returning reason as an exit value. By using that

information, it is possible to make a launcher script that checks

the reason and updates and/or relaunches the server if requested.

The default launch script in the installation packet does exactly this.

Exit reasons:

- Quit (0)

- Unknown (220)

- Restart (221)

- Upgrade (222)

- InitFailed (223)

- Finished (224)

- Error (225)